Welcome to Wesley United Methodist Church!
Alive in God, Redeemed by Jesus, Tuned to the Spirit of Love… Reaching People God’s Way
Sunday Worship 10 am
Every Sunday morning worship begins at 10:00 am usually lasting till 11:30. We are located on 8 North Street (rte.114) in downtown Salem. There is parking available in our parking lot, which you enter by Lynde Street. The sanctuary is accessible to persons with disabilities on the YMCA side. Our worship service includes traditional hymns and contemporary praise music, scripture reading, congregational responsive readings, prayer and testimony time, sermon and time for special ministry. Holy communion is served on the first Sunday of the month. Worship is followed by coffee and fellowship, all are welcome!
Alive in God, Redeemed by Jesus, Tuned to the Spirit of Love… Reaching People God’s Way
Sunday Worship 10 am
Every Sunday morning worship begins at 10:00 am usually lasting till 11:30. We are located on 8 North Street (rte.114) in downtown Salem. There is parking available in our parking lot, which you enter by Lynde Street. The sanctuary is accessible to persons with disabilities on the YMCA side. Our worship service includes traditional hymns and contemporary praise music, scripture reading, congregational responsive readings, prayer and testimony time, sermon and time for special ministry. Holy communion is served on the first Sunday of the month. Worship is followed by coffee and fellowship, all are welcome!